Educating Clients

To get the best out of website design, clients should be informed. I’ve always thought so anyway but now I wonder whether I should bother.

alfredenewmanWhy not dumb down everything? Just provide a smart but simple website.

That’s it. Don’t confuse clients with the facts. I don’t think clients want educating – it’s just a website isn’t it?? YOU sort it out.

Educating requires time, adds complications and therefore adds cost to the thing.

However, there is a thing called professional pride and the need to do your best for your client. Whether he wants it or not.

There’s always the thought of course that your client will hold you in higher regard if you treat him to a Web 101 seminar. This effect is seen in many website designers websites – they feel that they have to go on, and on, and on about their knowledge – or lack of it – of things web.

With the average website, there are so many things – simple things – that can be done to improve it. Testimonials, client lists, newsletters are some of the improvements that can be easily added but never come up in client specs.

Although such things can be added later, you run the risk of appearing to the client that you’re upselling.

Perhaps its better to design a website that includes all the elements that you feel should be there – but don’t tell the client beforehand.

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